Preparation for class and home practice.

- Wear loose or stretchy comfortable clothes.
- Always bring / use a non slip yoga mat and sitting block to encourage a tall spine. Towels and blanket rolls can help too. Let the teacher know if you will need to borrow a mat temporarily.
- Leave a gap of 1 hour between eating a light meal and yoga practice, (a 2 hour gap for a main meal.)
- Drink plenty of water before but not so much that will make you uncomfortable.
- Endeavour to arrive in good time to settle and be still before class begins.
- Avoid comparing yourself to others- yoga is non competitive and people all have different personal challenges.
- Don’t go beyond what is comfortable for you, if it hurts then stop immediately and ask for assistance.
- Consult your Doctor and seek advice for any medical conditions/injuries that you have which cause you discomfort or may alter the way you move especially serious issues such as heart complaints, blood pressure and breathing conditions e.t.c...
- Please notify the teacher if you suspect that you are pregnant as a specialist yoga teacher/class for pregnancy is always advised.
- Please notify the teacher of any changes to your health however it is your responsibility to do only what is comfortable and within your ability.
- Please be especially quiet if you enter class late.
- Be considerate and respectful to others in the class; remember yoga is non competitive...even with yourself!
- Try to practice little and often at home, slow steady and comfortable practice will improve your overall well being in the long term.